Kyle Peter Stats:

Born: March 6, 2008

Hobbies and Likes: singing, dancing, listening to kiddie music, playing ball with Daddy, building and destroying block towers, being chased, trains, firetrucks, reading books, animals, trucks/cars, riding his tractor, playing golf or mini-golf, watching cartoons and Disney movies, and playing w/ friends and family! I LOVE my baby brother, Luke :)

Dislikes: loud noises, the word "NO", sitting in his highchair or shopping cart for too long, time outs, and getting OUT of the bathtub.

Favorite Foods: pancakes, fruit, cheese, popsicles, smoothies, cupcakes, cookies, pretzels, oatmeal, french fries, pasta, broccoli, chicken nuggets, pizza, campbells chicken noodle soup, muffins, eggs, ham and yogurt.

Favorite Places to go: bike rides, birthday parties, playground, gym, toy store, grocery store, library, art class, playdates at friends houses, mini-golf course and anywhere there is ice cream or cupcakes.

Luke Eliot Stats:

Born: June 4, 2010

Likes: Tummy time, rolling, playing in his jumperoo, stuffed animals for slobbering on, playing kitchen and with ALL of big brothers toys. I love going for rides in the stroller and swings at the playground. Naps...feed me and snuggle me up in my crib and I am one happy baby!

Dislikes: Getting my messy face or my runny nose wiped!

Favorite Foods: oatmeal w/ bananas, fruit, veggies, ham, chicken, yogurts, mum-mums and pretzel sticks.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


                                         It's a BOY :) Looks just like Kyle's ultrasound!
                                                                 Kyle on his laptop.
Mr. Clean!
Assembling a toy bench.

Kyle loves helping w/ his own power tools!
                                                       New room...just need another crib ;)

That's right, a little brother for Kyle! We are excited to meet our new little guy in June and have already been busy preparing the new nursery/boys room, unpacking teeny-tiny clothes and booties and of course discussing names! To everyone's dismay we are keeping the name (which by the way we have not decided) under wraps until our little boy is born. Not to worry we are not ones to choose anything too outrageous or shocking! Kyle will be 2 in March and everyday is learning new words and telling us what is on his mind. As you can see in the pics. he is busy researching new cribs on his laptop, vacuuming (his passion) and helping dada assemble IKEA furniture..haha!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Blizzard of 2009

Kyle was not happy posing for these pictures!

Our backyard - day 1 of the blizzard.

Christmas 2009

Kyle's House - Cheers to Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve
Christmas has come and gone and we are still recovering!  The snow made the holiday even more special.  We had to become very creative when it came to entertaining a toddler with cabin fever!  Here are a few pics. of the holdiays...