Kyle Peter Stats:

Born: March 6, 2008

Hobbies and Likes: singing, dancing, listening to kiddie music, playing ball with Daddy, building and destroying block towers, being chased, trains, firetrucks, reading books, animals, trucks/cars, riding his tractor, playing golf or mini-golf, watching cartoons and Disney movies, and playing w/ friends and family! I LOVE my baby brother, Luke :)

Dislikes: loud noises, the word "NO", sitting in his highchair or shopping cart for too long, time outs, and getting OUT of the bathtub.

Favorite Foods: pancakes, fruit, cheese, popsicles, smoothies, cupcakes, cookies, pretzels, oatmeal, french fries, pasta, broccoli, chicken nuggets, pizza, campbells chicken noodle soup, muffins, eggs, ham and yogurt.

Favorite Places to go: bike rides, birthday parties, playground, gym, toy store, grocery store, library, art class, playdates at friends houses, mini-golf course and anywhere there is ice cream or cupcakes.

Luke Eliot Stats:

Born: June 4, 2010

Likes: Tummy time, rolling, playing in his jumperoo, stuffed animals for slobbering on, playing kitchen and with ALL of big brothers toys. I love going for rides in the stroller and swings at the playground. Naps...feed me and snuggle me up in my crib and I am one happy baby!

Dislikes: Getting my messy face or my runny nose wiped!

Favorite Foods: oatmeal w/ bananas, fruit, veggies, ham, chicken, yogurts, mum-mums and pretzel sticks.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Luke's 1st Snow

We were ready with Luke's new
snowsuit (thanks Mimi) and baby tobogan!
Mommy and Luke

All bundled up!

The sidewalks were cleared but we still
had fun pretending to plow the snow!

Visit from Great Grandad and TRAINS!

It's always special when Great Grandad comes to visit!  We had a fun time playing and visiting the train exhibit at the Botanical Gardens in DC.  Kyle always puts Great Grandad in his prayers, he loves him so much :)

Kyle, Luke, Great Grandad and Mimi at
Botanical Gardens

Admiring the caterpillar train

Playing games!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas...

Our little boys are having so much getting ready for Santa!  We're busy decorating, baking and visiting with Santa.  Storytime always includes a book or two about Christmas.  As Kyle dances around the house to Christmas carols Luke enjoys playing with our Fisher Price nativity.  We are SO excited to celebrate the holidays with friends and family :)
All smiles from the boys this year!
I love the matching sweaters (thanks Grandad and Tonnie).

Hangin' with buddies - Maya and Little Owen

Luke was given the honor of placing the angel
on top of the tree this year...with a little help from daddy ;)

Kyle loves putting the "balls" on the tree!

Luke (my sous-chef) in his Bumbo.  He loves playing
with the Nativity set.

Luke at 6 months is sitting up!

Daddy's boys.

We just had to put Luke in his Jordans before he
outgrew them....thanks Justin and Nick!

Check out those thighs!!!
Outfit and shoes courtesy of Luke's W-L uncles :)