Kyle Peter Stats:

Born: March 6, 2008

Hobbies and Likes: singing, dancing, listening to kiddie music, playing ball with Daddy, building and destroying block towers, being chased, trains, firetrucks, reading books, animals, trucks/cars, riding his tractor, playing golf or mini-golf, watching cartoons and Disney movies, and playing w/ friends and family! I LOVE my baby brother, Luke :)

Dislikes: loud noises, the word "NO", sitting in his highchair or shopping cart for too long, time outs, and getting OUT of the bathtub.

Favorite Foods: pancakes, fruit, cheese, popsicles, smoothies, cupcakes, cookies, pretzels, oatmeal, french fries, pasta, broccoli, chicken nuggets, pizza, campbells chicken noodle soup, muffins, eggs, ham and yogurt.

Favorite Places to go: bike rides, birthday parties, playground, gym, toy store, grocery store, library, art class, playdates at friends houses, mini-golf course and anywhere there is ice cream or cupcakes.

Luke Eliot Stats:

Born: June 4, 2010

Likes: Tummy time, rolling, playing in his jumperoo, stuffed animals for slobbering on, playing kitchen and with ALL of big brothers toys. I love going for rides in the stroller and swings at the playground. Naps...feed me and snuggle me up in my crib and I am one happy baby!

Dislikes: Getting my messy face or my runny nose wiped!

Favorite Foods: oatmeal w/ bananas, fruit, veggies, ham, chicken, yogurts, mum-mums and pretzel sticks.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas....

  Our family is busy getting ready for Christmas! Baking, decorating, cards, singing along to Christmas carols and visiting w/ Santa. Speaking of Santa, Kyle was not a fan and let everyone know by screaming/crying in terror at our community holiday party. The photo is a bit blurry, but you get the picture. To Kyle's credit, he was not a very jolly Santa and I think he sensed this. Kyle, however had no problem accepting a candycane from Santa. He immediately sucked the candy cane down into a dangerous, spear-like weapon in which he
proceeded to run around the Christmas party with, just in case Santa came near!
   Now that the Christmas tree has been up a few weeks, Kyle has stopped stripping the ornaments off! It's cute the way he ooohs and ahhhhs at the Christmas trees we see in the stores. We plan to make a trip downtown (on a not so chilly night) to see the National Christmas tree. Hope everyone is enjoying weeks that lead up to Christmas :) We certainly are!

Not happy to see Santa...HoHoHo!

Santa Baby posing in front of the tree.

1 comment:

  1. cute pics!

    i can't believe your tree has been up "a few weeks" - ours still isn't up. it's prob better that way!
