Kyle Peter Stats:

Born: March 6, 2008

Hobbies and Likes: singing, dancing, listening to kiddie music, playing ball with Daddy, building and destroying block towers, being chased, trains, firetrucks, reading books, animals, trucks/cars, riding his tractor, playing golf or mini-golf, watching cartoons and Disney movies, and playing w/ friends and family! I LOVE my baby brother, Luke :)

Dislikes: loud noises, the word "NO", sitting in his highchair or shopping cart for too long, time outs, and getting OUT of the bathtub.

Favorite Foods: pancakes, fruit, cheese, popsicles, smoothies, cupcakes, cookies, pretzels, oatmeal, french fries, pasta, broccoli, chicken nuggets, pizza, campbells chicken noodle soup, muffins, eggs, ham and yogurt.

Favorite Places to go: bike rides, birthday parties, playground, gym, toy store, grocery store, library, art class, playdates at friends houses, mini-golf course and anywhere there is ice cream or cupcakes.

Luke Eliot Stats:

Born: June 4, 2010

Likes: Tummy time, rolling, playing in his jumperoo, stuffed animals for slobbering on, playing kitchen and with ALL of big brothers toys. I love going for rides in the stroller and swings at the playground. Naps...feed me and snuggle me up in my crib and I am one happy baby!

Dislikes: Getting my messy face or my runny nose wiped!

Favorite Foods: oatmeal w/ bananas, fruit, veggies, ham, chicken, yogurts, mum-mums and pretzel sticks.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Tractor

Santa (aka: Grandad) came a little early this year.  Kyle's obsession with Grandads riding lawnmower prompted him to do something crazy - buy him his own tractor!  As you can imagine, Kyle LOVES his tractor.  We even managed to fashion a little seat for Luke in the wagon the tractor pulls...don't worry we were close behind ready to catch Luke!  He loved being pulled around the yard by his big brother. It will only be a matter of time before they are fighting over driving the tractor, but for now Luke is content to go along for the ride.  Kyle has even learned some "tricks" and likes to drive the tractor one handed hanging on the side.  Kyle also takes his tractor driving very seriously and stops to pick up all the leaves and sticks in the yard for the chimnea.  Thanks Grandad and Tonnie for what is sure to bring the boys hours of entertainment!
1st solo ride
Hold on Luke - Here we GO!

How trusting Luke is! 
I survived my 1st tractor ride!

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