Kyle Peter Stats:

Born: March 6, 2008

Hobbies and Likes: singing, dancing, listening to kiddie music, playing ball with Daddy, building and destroying block towers, being chased, trains, firetrucks, reading books, animals, trucks/cars, riding his tractor, playing golf or mini-golf, watching cartoons and Disney movies, and playing w/ friends and family! I LOVE my baby brother, Luke :)

Dislikes: loud noises, the word "NO", sitting in his highchair or shopping cart for too long, time outs, and getting OUT of the bathtub.

Favorite Foods: pancakes, fruit, cheese, popsicles, smoothies, cupcakes, cookies, pretzels, oatmeal, french fries, pasta, broccoli, chicken nuggets, pizza, campbells chicken noodle soup, muffins, eggs, ham and yogurt.

Favorite Places to go: bike rides, birthday parties, playground, gym, toy store, grocery store, library, art class, playdates at friends houses, mini-golf course and anywhere there is ice cream or cupcakes.

Luke Eliot Stats:

Born: June 4, 2010

Likes: Tummy time, rolling, playing in his jumperoo, stuffed animals for slobbering on, playing kitchen and with ALL of big brothers toys. I love going for rides in the stroller and swings at the playground. Naps...feed me and snuggle me up in my crib and I am one happy baby!

Dislikes: Getting my messy face or my runny nose wiped!

Favorite Foods: oatmeal w/ bananas, fruit, veggies, ham, chicken, yogurts, mum-mums and pretzel sticks.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season.  Our little boys being our greatest blessing!  They make us laugh and smile all day long.  We are so touched by how much Kyle loves his little brother and wants to include him in everything. Luke's smile lights up the room and Kyle is talking up a storm!  It's not uncommon to see a pile of toys (courtesy big brother Kyle) in front of Luke wherever we sit him to play.  Luke squeals with delight as Kyle runs and dances circles around him!  We look forward to celebrating Luke's first Christmas and what will surely be an exciting holiday for Kyle as the countdown to the 25th of December begins!

They certainly do keep us busy, but we enjoy every minute of our sometimes hectic life with two little ones.  A few highlights of the past 6 months include: swimming at the pool and playing at the playground this summer, 4th of July w/ neighborhood friends, parades and the fair in Bridgewater, trip to Solomans Island and visiting Great-Grandad on his island, Nats games, vacationing w/ the McGinns in Nags Head, Boo at the Zoo, Halloween and the Pumpkin Patch.  We have so many pics...its hard to choose which ones to post!  Here are a few of our favorites in no particular order...
Father's Day

Luke (3 weeks old)

4th of July - Luke (1 month old)

Boys Room
Kyle's new big boy bed
2 months old - Luke loves his swing!
Our litte Redskins fans
Mr. Cool
Burke Lake train
Nags Head
Kyle and Ellie playing in the sand
4 little beach babies ready for a night out on the town!
Luke and Vivian enjoying the sunset
Little ones enjoy watching the big kids play mini-golf and
Beth and I enjoy watching the Dads chase the big kids!

Mini golf is soooo much fun :)

First solid food from big brother Kyle -
Luke's expression is too funny!

4 months old - 17 lbs. - Our BIG BOY!

We love the pumpkin patch!

Pumpkin Baby

Cox Farms

Tummy Time Fun

Big Bro and Little Bro

Chief Quattlebaum and his trusty dalmation dog are
ready to trick-or-treat

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